Remote Sensing and GIS technology was applied by Radhakrishnan, Erni, and Kumar (2014) to the city of Tiruchirappalli, India in order to analyze urban sprawl patterns occurring between the years of 1998 and 2009, and predict future sprawl patterns. Imagery and data collected to demonstrate different sections of the city as well as transportation patterns within the city are depicted below.
Further, various “land-use cover” (Radhakrishnan et al., 2014, 3) was classified using “digital image processing based on visual representation.” Radhakrishnan et. al then compared land-use between the years of 1998, 2006, and 2009 using software such as ERDAS, Maximum likelihood Classifier, and ArcGIS. These researchers performed an“accuracy assessment” (Radhakrishnan 5) of the data extracted from these programs using “GPS, false color remotely sensed data, and Google Earth”producing the below images.
The overall conclusions of Radhakrishnan et. al research was that the expansion of development and intrusion into agricultural lands is exceeding the rate of population increase. Combined with GIS and population data, it was observed that between 1998 and 2009, the land developed experienced a 40% increase while the population of the city only grew by 12%, and was dispersed across the city.Within the built up region of the land which centered around transportation portals, approximate 55% increase in sprawl is predicted to occur in the year of 2031. This type of GIS centered research is necessary in detecting past and future urban growth patterns so that more economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable cities can be planned and successfully executed.
Radhakrishnan, N., Eerni, S., & Kumar, S. (2014). Analysis of Urban Sprawl Pattern in Tiruchirappalli City Using Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS. Arabian Journal For Science & Engineering (Springer Science & Business Media B.V. ), 39(7), 5555-5563. doi:10.1007/s13369-014-1099-2
I have acted with honor and integrity in producing this work and am unaware of anyone who has not - Hailey Johnson
That's very interesting, how we can use GIS to track urban sprawls and population trends. Why do you think land use has increased while the population has only risen a little bit?